Cervical Cancer Vaccination

Vaccination Schedule: 0, 1, 6 , months

  • History of allergy to previous vaccination or any component of the vaccine
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding

  • Moderate-Severe illness

Can I be vaccinated if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
  • Use in pregnancy is not recommended
  • It is not known whether vaccine antigens or antibodies found in the vaccine are excreted in human milk

Out of the millions of women who got vaccinated, 870 of them founded out that they were pregnant after receiving a shot or two, and no ADVERSE EVENT happened to the mother and the baby. However, it is strongly recommended that if you’re pregnant, vaccination should be postponed for the meantime.

You CAN still be vaccinated with the Cervical Cancer vaccine under the following conditions:
  • Mild illness (low grade fever, upper respiratory track infection, mild diarrhea, otitis media)
  • Antibiotic therapy
  • Disease exposure or under recovery from illness
  • Pregnancy in the household
  • Premature birth
  • Allergies to products not in vaccine
  • Need for multiple vaccines

What are the adverse effects that I might experience after getting the shot?
  • The vaccine causes no serious side effects.
  • The most common side effect is pain at the injection site, in others it might be redness or swelling.
  • These adverse effects are temporary and may last only for 2 to 3 days.

Do I need to re-start vaccination series if I miss my 2nd or 3rd dose?
  • There is no need to re-start the vaccine series.
  • If you miss the 2nd dose, you may get the shot as soon as you remember and get your 3rd dose after 12 weeks.
  • If you miss the 3rd dose, you may get the shot as soon as possible.

Can I be vaccinated if I have a cold or fever?
  • Mild common illnesses (such as cold, diarrhea, upper respiratory infections) are not contraindications to vaccination.

Who should get cervical cancer vaccine?
  • Young girls and older women 10 years old onwards

Because all women are at risk.

In Summary
  1. In the Philippines, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women next to breast cancer.
  2. Human Papilloma Virus is the necessary cause of cervical cancer.
  3. Every woman is at risk of cervical cancer.
  4. The virus is transmitted through genital skin to skin contact. Condoms do not offer full protection.
  5. Vaccination alongside screening provides the best protection against cervical cancer.
  6. Cervical cancer affects lives - not just of women afflicted by the disease but also her family’s as well.


Pooja said...

Cervical cancer is developed in the cervix area. It happens when cells grow at an abnormal rate. It is very important to know the different symptoms of cervical cancer. PAP smears is the test for detecting cervical cancer. Symptoms include vaginal bleeding, painful urination due to a possible kidney
blockage, bleeding after sexual contact and pain in the pelvis area. For more details refer symptoms of cervical cancer

Pinoy Jokes said...

Thanks for this post.

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