Harold Hamm, a wealthy and influential businessman, may forced to pay the biggest jaw dropping divorce settlement in the world. Harold Hamm and Sue Ann still in the process of divorce while their trial remains tightly under wraps, the divorce case is worth around $20 billion dollars.
Let's start to jaw drop. After 17 years of marriage, a $168 million separation settlement of National Basketball Association star Michael Jordan and Juanita. Juanita received this settlement along with their mansion in Chicago and custody of their three kids.
Mel Gibson and his wife Robyn costs $425 million after they seperate. The amount was accompanied by any future residuals from Gibson’s films. In December 2011, the divorce issue was finalized.
Slavica filed for divorce with her 20 years husband Bernie Ecclestone, the boss of Formula One. In 2009 divorce, Ecclestone has received half a billion dollars from Slavica’s trust fund. Her divorce settlement was reportedly worth over a whopping $1.2 billion.
In 1999, the 32 years married couple, Rupert Murdoch split with her wife Anna. $1.7 billion of Rupert's fortune was reportedly received by Anna. 7 days later, Rupert got married Wendi Deng.
Rupert Murdoch's billion dollar divorce settlement was not enough, the 13 years of marital bliss with Wendi Deng ended. According to some reports, Wendi Deng have received about $1.8 billion in the settlement.
In 1999, a cosmetic surgery New York socialite nicknamed CatWoman, Jocelyn Wildenstein, ended her marriage with Alex Wildenstein. Jocelyn Wildenstein gets an annual 13 years of $100 million and a $2.5 billion settlement.
One of the biggest divorce settlement in history was this year (2014) with a Russian oligarch Dmitry Rybolovlev also known as 'Fertiliser king'. He was ordered by Swiss court to pay his former wife Elena with a very large amount of $4.5 billion.
The world's most expensive divorces as of 2014
on Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Divorce Settlement,
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