A new hope for male with infertility is a Synthetic protein.
Richard Oko, leader of research team from Queen;s University in Canada, has discovered a new method of succeed in persuading fertilization using a synthetic version of the protein PAWP found in sperm cells.
The result of their new method find a way to solve those men with lacking the opportunity to begin the process of fertilsation.
"PAWP is able to induce embryo development in human eggs in a fashion similar to the natural triggering of embryo development by the sperm cell during fertilization," Dr. Oko's statement. "Based on our findings, we envision that physicians will be able to improve their diagnosis and treatment of infertility, a problem that affects 10 to 15 per cent of couples worldwide."
Injecting a sperm to an egg cell is the common treatments resort of infertility, the problem of sperm and egg incompatibility is to ruling out the natural process and begin the new developments in boosting the sperm with PAWP.
Dr. Oko said that The results of their study have to set the stage for future observation of PAWP protein.
The success rates for treatment are 37 percent only according to the annual report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The study was published in the journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB).
Reference: Sperm-derived WW domain-binding protein, PAWP, elicits calcium oscillations and oocyte activation in humans and mice
Could this be the solution for men who want to be fathers?
on Wednesday, August 13, 2014
male fertility,
Synthetic protein
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