For months doctors had warned a Southern California woman that she would be with a large baby.
But no one expected him to become this big, once the healthy boy weighed in at 13 pounds, 14 ounces right after being delivered by cesarean section, the North County Times reported Saturday.
"How'd he fit?" was the immediate reaction of his mother, Cynthia Sigler of Vista, California, right after the delivery on Thursday.
While doctors estimated a couple of months ago that Jayden Sigler would weigh about 9 pounds, they elevated his size to 11 by early March, his mother told the newspaper.
Jayden's birth pounds almost doubles that of his sister, Jailyn. The now Two and a Half-year-old was 7 pounds, Two ounces at birth.
According to some resources, most full-term babies weigh in between Five pounds, Eight ounces, and Eight pounds, Thirteen ounces.
Dr. Jerald White, the attending physician who helped deliver Jayden Sigler at Tri-City Medical Center, mentioned that he was the biggest newborn he had ever noticed within more than 20,000 babies he has helped deliver.
"It wasn't so hard that it made a trouble for anybody," the doctor mentioned about delivering a quite large newborn by cesarean section, which have been much more difficult.
But it did make sense why the end of Sigler's pregnancy was so challenging.
"When I saw how big he is, I understood why I was in so much pain," she told the North County Times.
But Sigler's son does not arrive around the biggest newborns of all time.
According to the Guinness World of Records, the heaviest child weighed 23.75 pounds. Born in 1879, he died 11 hours right after birth. Guinness also notes a 22.5-pound baby born in Italy in 1955. Much more recently, a 19 pound, Two ounce baby boy was born in Indonesia during the fall of 2009.
While Jayden didn't come close to those people numbers, Sigler mentioned that she has had to produce some adjustments to accommodate this kind of big baby boy.
"My sister took back the newborn and zero to a couple of months clothes yesterday," the new mom told the newspaper.
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