A new study on obese kids reveals the most effective way parents can help an obese child shed excess weight.
Single ways parents can aid an overweight kid lose heaviness? Lose pounds themselves, says a brand new study.
How to help an obese child lose weight
on Monday, March 19, 2012
Obese Child,
Smart Parenting,
University of California,
Comments: (0)
7 Effective Secrets to a Long Lasting Marriage
on Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Center for Family Ministries,
Open Communication,
Smart Parenting
Comments: (0)
You promised to love each other for much better or for worse, till death do you part. But how do you maintain these promises from sounding as being a death sentence once the sexy-time is over?
Happily married couples usually shares how the secret to their longevity is treating their spouse as their lover along with their very best friend. In your professional point of view on doing effective long distance relationships, They interviewed the Executive Director of Center for Family Ministries (CEFAM).
Happily married couples usually shares how the secret to their longevity is treating their spouse as their lover along with their very best friend. In your professional point of view on doing effective long distance relationships, They interviewed the Executive Director of Center for Family Ministries (CEFAM).
8 Simple Tips for Soothing Sensitive Skin
on Monday, March 12, 2012
Beauty Tips,
Daily Parenting Tips,
Sensitive Skin,
Skin Problems,
Smart Parenting,
Comments: (0)
If you're going through an awkward, pimple-prone stage, these tips may help clear up your skin problems.
Our pimple are perpetually red sensitive skin was the bane of our existence. We could often count over a large fat juicy pimple to glimpse on a day of the class presentation or special romantic date, and absolutely nothing quite undermined our confidence like getting all eyes on the blackhead farm on our nose or chin.
Sensitive skin can be acne-free but severely dry, flaky, and very easily irritated. If you are still heading through that awkward, pimple-prone stage, it is possible to totally relate. The following are some tips that can aid to clear up your sensitive skin problems:
NEWS: A woman in California gives birth to a 14-pound baby boy
on Sunday, March 11, 2012
Baby Boy,
Cynthia Sigler,
Dr. Jerald White,
Guinness World Records,
Jayden Sigler,
Tri-City Medical Center
Comments: (0)
For months doctors had warned a Southern California woman that she would be with a large baby.
But no one expected him to become this big, once the healthy boy weighed in at 13 pounds, 14 ounces right after being delivered by cesarean section, the North County Times reported Saturday.
"How'd he fit?" was the immediate reaction of his mother, Cynthia Sigler of Vista, California, right after the delivery on Thursday.
While doctors estimated a couple of months ago that Jayden Sigler would weigh about 9 pounds, they elevated his size to 11 by early March, his mother told the newspaper.
But no one expected him to become this big, once the healthy boy weighed in at 13 pounds, 14 ounces right after being delivered by cesarean section, the North County Times reported Saturday.
"How'd he fit?" was the immediate reaction of his mother, Cynthia Sigler of Vista, California, right after the delivery on Thursday.
While doctors estimated a couple of months ago that Jayden Sigler would weigh about 9 pounds, they elevated his size to 11 by early March, his mother told the newspaper.
NEWS: A Five-year-old Boy in UK choose to become a Girl
on Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Gender Identity Disorder,
Theresa Avery,
Zach Avery
Comments: (0)
A five-year-old boy who unwanted his sexual characteristics is now living like a girl in the support of his family, doctors and school.
Zach Avery was 3 years old once he began questioning his gender, and started out wearing dresses & ribbons in his hair.
Following a psychological evaluation he was diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder (GID), and has now been living as being a girl for over a year.
Zach Avery was 3 years old once he began questioning his gender, and started out wearing dresses & ribbons in his hair.
Following a psychological evaluation he was diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder (GID), and has now been living as being a girl for over a year.
NEWS: India is the Worst place to be born in Asia?
on Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Food Insecurity,
Human Development Report,
Institute of Applied Manpower Research,
Poor Children,
Social Wellness,
Young Children
Comments: (0)
A report reveals the worst place to be born in, as the chances of survival till the age of five are very low.
India may possibly be the world's fastest growing "free market" economy, but it's no competition to its neighbors with regards to the social wellness of her people.
India may possibly be the world's fastest growing "free market" economy, but it's no competition to its neighbors with regards to the social wellness of her people.
NEWS: Three toddlers die in fire - Pasay City, Philippines
on Saturday, March 3, 2012
Fire Prevention Month,
Pasay City,
Comments: (0)
3 siblings died inside a fire that razed a Pasay City slum Saturday night.
Arson investigators recognized the fatalities as Chris Alberca, three; and his twin brothers John Jason and John Angelo, two.
"Their parents have been out as soon as the fire broke out," said Chief Inspector Douglas Guiyab, the city fire marshal.
Arson investigators recognized the fatalities as Chris Alberca, three; and his twin brothers John Jason and John Angelo, two.
"Their parents have been out as soon as the fire broke out," said Chief Inspector Douglas Guiyab, the city fire marshal.
Adam Sandler filming "That's My Boy" with a 3-Year-Old Baseball Boy
on Sunday, February 19, 2012
Adam Sandler,
Baseball Boy,
Christian Haupt,
Smart Parenting,
Comments: (0)
A 3-year-old boy's love affair with America's pastime has gotten Hollywood's attention.
Christian Haupt is addicted to baseball -- a lot, so that he's Christian Haupt is addicted to playing the sport at a skill level beyond his age. That is certainly not so rare. Nor is it strange that Christian's mom and dad recorded video of their hardball prodigy last summer at age 2, then posted it on YouTube.
But listen to what happened next.
Christian Haupt is addicted to baseball -- a lot, so that he's Christian Haupt is addicted to playing the sport at a skill level beyond his age. That is certainly not so rare. Nor is it strange that Christian's mom and dad recorded video of their hardball prodigy last summer at age 2, then posted it on YouTube.
But listen to what happened next.
How sushi can enhanced your Sperm
on Friday, February 17, 2012
Daily Parenting Tips,
male fertility,
Parenting Tips,
Smart Parenting,
Comments: (0)
Hello Dads! in case you want your swimmers to obtain some tail action, most effective tuck into a plate of fish.
To realize the value of omega-3 fatty acids in male fertility, it’s essential to understand the anatomy of sperm.
As researchers inside the University of Illinois explain it, regular sperm are composed of a cap-like structure that surrounds the anterior end on the sperm head known as the acrosome.
To realize the value of omega-3 fatty acids in male fertility, it’s essential to understand the anatomy of sperm.
As researchers inside the University of Illinois explain it, regular sperm are composed of a cap-like structure that surrounds the anterior end on the sperm head known as the acrosome.
Angry Birds to conquer the Facebook world
on Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Angry Birds,
Henri Holm,
Mobile Apps,
Rovio Asia
Comments: (0)
"Angry Birds", the most-downloaded mobile application of 2011, was catapulted for the world of Facebook inside a bid by its Finnish maker Rovio to acquire 1 billion persons playing the addictive game.
True on the game's quirky theme, a bird flung at a pig over a giant screen marked its official Facebook launch in Jakarta, the world's most Facebook-connected city.
True on the game's quirky theme, a bird flung at a pig over a giant screen marked its official Facebook launch in Jakarta, the world's most Facebook-connected city.
Are You A Push-For-Gold Parent?
on Saturday, February 4, 2012
Daily Parenting Tips,
Gold Parent,
Smart Parenting,
Comments: (0)
A 'yes' to more than three of these signs means you have to lighten up a bit!
- I feel extremely disappointed and worried when other children reach milestones earlier than my child does.
- During family gatherings, I urge my child to perform tricks for everyone whether he or she likes it or not.
- My child has the best voice in class, so he or she deserves to have the center spot in the special number.
- It doesn't bother me when other parents tell me about their kids. My child's accomplishments always outdo theirs.
- I always ask my child's scores in quizzes and exams, then asks what his or her classmates' scores were.
- I always air out my complaints to my kid's teacher whenever I feel that my child didn't get the grade I think he deserves. I demand explanations and don't give up until I am satisfied with the answers.
NEWS: A 10-Year-Old Daughter was Forced to eat Feces by her Father
on Friday, February 3, 2012
Hang Zhou,
Smart Parenting
Comments: (0)
A girl was forced by her father to eat faeces right after she had created a mess of her father's newspapers on Third of February.
According to a report by Zhejiang Satellite TV, a man in his 30s punished his daughter at a shopping centre in Hang Zhou, China, right after she misbehaved and threw his newly-bought newspapers over a floor.
NEWS: Adolf Hitler had illegitimate son with French teenager
on Friday, January 6, 2012
Adolf Hitler,
Charlotte Lobjoie,
Eva Braun,
Jean-Marie Loret,
Comments: (0)
Adolf Hitler had a son with a French teenager while serving as being a soldier during the Very first World War.
Jean-Marie Loret, who died in 1985 aged 67, in no way met his father, but went on to fight Nazi forces during the Second World War.
His extraordinary story has now been backed up by a variety of compelling evidence, both in France and in Germany, that is certainly published during the latest edition of Paris's Le Point magazine.
Jean-Marie Loret, who died in 1985 aged 67, in no way met his father, but went on to fight Nazi forces during the Second World War.
His extraordinary story has now been backed up by a variety of compelling evidence, both in France and in Germany, that is certainly published during the latest edition of Paris's Le Point magazine.
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